Vít Klusák, Filip Remunda (Czech republic)
Czech Dream
project presentation
18 December, 7pm
net.culture club mama, Preradoviceva 18
Products are consumed in frenzy and speeding consumption demands increased production, which again encourages the consumer. Artists feel at home in this global culture consuming it hedonistically with the intention to create and vice versa. A question is raised of how to avoid drowning in consumerist culture, how to maintain a critical view in the endless process of satisfying the hunger for consumption. While satisfying their old critical obligations towards the society, artists are searching for new strategies. They have to win over the system, identify with it and occupy it thoroughly like their own homes.
Czech Dream started as a film dealing with this subject. However, the project grew and turned into a spectacular show created as a postproduction or a parallel production. It illustrates what our social life can turn into.
For the needs of the film authors started presenting themselves as businessmen leading the campaign for the official opening of a fictional hypermarket Czech Dream. The campaign which includes TV and radio jingle, several thousands billboards, 200 000 flyers with the label Czech Dream and advertising in national daily newspaper attracts 5000 buyers on a green field to be faced with the scene of the non-existent shopping mall - a film set 10X100m in size.

contact: mail@czech-dream.com
web: www.czech-dream.com |