Steven Eastwood (Great Britain)
Cinema into the real
5 July, 8pm - 11pm
tram stop at the Main railway station
7 July, 8pm - 11pm
last tram stop in Dubrava
8 July, 7pm
net.culture club [mama], Preradoviceva 18
Steven Eastwood's film practice spans documentary, fiction and experiments with the narrative mode, increasingly questioning notions of performing and of what constitutes a fiction. Recently he has begun to extend his filmmaking into working with a live component and contexts other than the film theatre. The Cinema into the Real project is an attempt to fuse all of the above into what he terms a contextual film.
The project manifests itself as a series of tests. Test One took place in a cafe in East London, making a film set of a banal conversation re-enacted. Test Two scored a set of marble steps in Thessaloniki and made character players of passers-by. Test Three scored and lit a bus stop in Belfast.
In Zagreb, S. Eastwood will install another film intervention, Test Four, in which tram stops will for a number of hours co-opt members of the public into a place of fiction. These spaces will become elaborate film sets.
This film is the real. It's fictional coherence and dramatic impact will consist entirely of the unforeseeable events, which transpire, in reaction to the context. Every film changes the subject it depicts.

contact: omskorganisation@hotmail.com
web1: www.omsk.org.uk
web2: www.paradogs.org.uk |