EGOBOO.bits (Croatia)
egoboo.gallery tour
9 October, 7pm
VN gallery, Ilica 163a
Open source musicians and video artists tour of Zagreb galleries and, occasionally, those of other Croatian cities (Varaždin, Split..). Performing the opening of non-existing exhibitions (that will never be realised) - the opening itself is the artistic project and is realised as a musical-visual event.
The visual corresponds with the musical both on the level of structure and content. Video (and sound) processing in real time, interrelating static and dynamic visual contents (slide projection, video, lomography) result in the unique and unrepeatable visual - performative artistic work. The gallery space becomes the conceptual - architectonic frame of the work and opening towards urban environment (by using glass surfaces of the gallery) puts different spaces in specific dynamic relations.
EGOBOO.bits - The project of releasing digital records under GNU GPL - license (copyleft). You are free to say freely, perform in public, copy, modify and download free of charge all EGOBOO.bits editions. www.egoboobits.net

contact: domes@mi2.hr
web: www.egoboobits.net |