Vedran Gulin (Croatia)
Picture my shopping
17 - 19 December, 4pm - 8pm
20 December, 11am - 3pm
Kaptol centre, Nova ves 11
Besides being the space of a cosy relaxed shopping, a shopping mall can become a space of an uncontrolled situation, especially in the period preceding Christmas holidays. Precisely in such atmosphere buyers can be offered the possibility of creating - the interspace of consumption becomes the space of creation.
Project is a closed circle in which the visitor of a shopping mall is induced and enabled to be creative while works are exhibited and rewarded in that same surrounding.
Two LOMO artists will spend several days, several hours each day, choosing Kaptol Centre visitors and trusting them with LOMO cameras during shopping time (app. 20 persons per day). The tasks of the chosen ones are: do the shopping, shoot the film and have a wonderful time. The best photos will be exhibited in the lobby of the Kaptol Centre. Final selection and lobby exhibition will be executed at the end of the action.

contact: goo@mi2.hr
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