Jednotka/Unit (Czech Republic)
Talkmen / Do you hear me?
9 July, 4pm
tram stop at Cibona - Savska street
10 July, 4pm
tram stop student dormitory S. Radic - Savski most
performed by
David Maj, Halka Tresnakova, Howard Lotker
"Talkmen" are people whose thinking you can hear. There are three characters at a tram stop waiting for their transportation; those who are waiting with them can hear their monologue. The sound of their thoughts spreads across the streets that are a playground for communication. We can hear heartbeats, thoughts, answers, warnings, and deep breaths... Do you hear me? Can you hear yourself? Do we hear each other?
Jednotka/Unit is a group of artists whose main idea is to experiment with different artistic forms and different ways of expressing trough art. Unit is a unit for creating and experimenting. The point of Unit is to give time and space to artists for playing and tryouts. Artists come form different backgrounds. All of them are renowned Czech artists that create their own projects independent of the company.

contact: kristof@jednotka.cz
web: www.jednotka.cz |