Lara Almarcegui (Netherlands)
Allotment Gardens
project presentation
7 October, 7pm
net.culture club [mama], Preradoviceva 18
Allotment garden = self-allotted piece of land that citizens cultivate self-initiatively
Allotment gardens are those rare city points that were not modeled by professionals but by the users themselves. In urban situation, in which living, recreation and working space are planned on a wider scale, allotment gardens are positive and creative expression of protest by the city population. They are deserts seen as spaces of freedom. The most attractive and utopian aspect of this phenomenon is the fact that the owner designs and cultivates the garden, picks and grows vegetables, builds, shapes and uses the cottage.
The project is a criticism directed towards urban spaces, a personal response to the very rational city design. It is in a constant process of development over usual boundaries of an exhibition, occupying the area of urbanism, changing the environment, using the territory, architecture and ecology.

contact: lara_almarcegui@hotmail.com
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