[BLOK] * EGOOBOO.bits * Frequency crew (Croatia)
Breakfast / Lunch / Dinner

4 July

11am - 1pm
Trg marsala Tita (Zdenac zivota)
blashko, aesqe

3pm - 5pm
Zrinjevac park
fogseller, sergej

9pm - 1am
Dolac market
py-tzek, edo / zvukbroda
vizualz: lina / ordenadoromovir / octopussy

Clubbing electronic - music event, applied to frequent locations in the centre of Zagreb and divided into three sections: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner.

Eat! Eat, don't starve! Be imaginative at table. Your organism seeks diversity, and proper combination of nutrition elements guarantees health. Have at least three meals a day and if your organism is exposed to extra mental and physical strains, do not hesitate from having up to six smaller meals a day! Diversity and proper quantity present the essence of every healthy diet. And remember, a starving person is not a happy person.

EGOBOO.bits - The project of releasing digital records under GNU GPL licence. You are free to say openly, perform in public, copy, modify and download free of charge all EGOBOO.bits records: www.egoboobits.net

Frequency crew - Young team of music and video artists with an interesting fusion of diverse musical tastes served with always new and different video work. Their unpretentiousness, friendly approach and imaginative parties have managed to attract the multitude of interesting fans who in one moment may be observes and in the next one main performers. www.upyourfrequency.com

BLOK - Local Base for Culture Refreshment; organisational intelligence / intervention into cultural / urban space of the City of Zagreb

contact: domes@mi2.hr
web1: www.egoboobits.net
web2: www.upyourfrequency.com