TempINGg (Croatia)
sound installations
6 July, 3pm - 5pm
main Bus station - main hall, Drziceva 4
8 July, 3pm - 5pm
Importanne subway - south exit
9 July, 3pm - 5pm
main railway station - main hall
10 July, 7pm
net.culture club [mama], Preradoviceva 18
Web project TempINGg is not the illustration of a social study dealing with the mobility of Zagreb's population, although it looks like one at first sight. TempINGg has a dialectic approach to temporality and spatiality of the city rethinking the monotony of the absolute dispersion of the population and creative imaginary movement, dealing also with the post-modern tendency of erasing distance and saturating all remaining blanks, which puts the post-modern body in the situation of being constantly pressured by the immediateness of the moment. Permanent point, the co-ordinate, has been taken away from our bodies and with it the possibility of distancing. Being dynamical no longer belongs to time only. Temporality is becoming a spatial category, while the space itself is no longer thought of as inert - being there "to be filled up", but as produced, which allows us to read it as a text with its own syntax and grammar. Such an approach offers the possibility to observe spatial relations and processes as social relations in the geographical form, giving also our own view of the city.
Although the project is partially based on actual statistic data, after the activation the intention is to make it into a drilling-ground for imagining the potentials of the city. Not to present Zagreb as it is but as it can be, not simply a fact-oriented picture of "how the city breeds", but the vision of where even the depopulation (at least the momentary one) becomes the possibility of the city we think we know.

contact: -
web: www.nan.hr/tempING |