Petra Sabisch / Cie Veranda (France)
6 July, 5pm - 10pm
Opatovina park
concept and realization: Petra Sabisch
performers: Isabelle Martinetti / Petra Sabisch
sound: Frédéric Jean
video: Yannick Coutheron
By means of sound cards the visitor is invited to explore the terrace of Opatovina park. Chosen from a range of ten different cards (of music, identity, labyrinth, idleness, motion, love, gender, time, birds and a little card), the card-perspectives offers a specific 'map of perception' of the place, rather than a visual guide to appropriate or control the space. Since it is up to the visitor to decide whether s/he follows the proposals or not, the rhythm of Cartographics will be completely determined by the public's experience. The 'virtual' character of the choreographic scores accentuates uncertainty about the rules at work: are those present obeying their own ways of experience - social and cultural codes - or the choreographic score? Or will the movement be a matter of circumstance, defined by simple arbitrary coincidence?

contact: psabisch@wanadoo.fr
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