Zagreb 2001: Shadow Casters - phase 1 (workshop)

workshop: July 15 - 28 (flats in Zagreb)
presentations: July 25 - 28, different city location

Shadow Casters - first phase Zagreb 2001 - the temporal structure, by its social form a creative laboratory that, during a two-week period, grows into performances, web site and urban installation. By living and working in private flats, the participants of this process will simmer the material about the town, collected in their hunting trips - occupying city spaces, they will connect them into the network of events which might remind someone of theatre, human installation or even some crazy film which runs on the cutting console. Ten people from all around Europe, guided by artists from Orchestra StolpnikR and their guests, will pull the visitors into this story about the private and the public, about deceitful and maybe true, about inveterate and about displaced view-point of things around us. Shadow Casters are a search for our changeable, movable, nomadic, blending, sliding identities in the world now and here. The city, that ramified reflection of ourselves, is the most natural scene for that search.

Who are then, the Shadow Casters? All of us. That is one of rare common denominators we share. Our shadows travel with us, elusive and inevitable. Shadow Casters are (un)wanted carrier of our self-questioning, the irresistible impulse to penetrate into our own core of darkness.

Zagreb - the city, a mine of discovered and disguised realities and fictions, is the searching space of the Shadow Casters. The time of Urban Festival is the time of gathering of the first Shadow Casters, of their immersion into the fabric of Zagreb, time of journey through the psycho-topography of the city (urbography), time of catching the spots where the streets intersect with regards - search for the reflection of ourselves in which the unutterable meets the un-seen and un-realizable.

contact: stolpnik@iperbole.bologna.it
web: cym.net/shadowcasters