BAD co. and eks-scena
23 - 25 September
various locations:
23 September
Hotel Dubrovnik,
the lobby, 5 pm
Gajeva-Bogoviceva, 6 pm
Furniture shop Themelia,
Palmoticeva st. 26, 7 pm
summer cinema
Tuskanac, 8.15 pm
24 September
Hotel Dubrovnik,
the lobby, 5 pm
Furniture shop Themelia, Palmoticeva st. 26, 7 pm
Pod zidom, 9 pm
25 September
Furniture shop Themelia, Palmoticeva st. 26, 7 pm
Pod zidom, 9 pm
Performances of four choreographies are a part of public presentation of work process done by young choreographers and dramaturges within Akcija/ Frakcija, in cooperation with BADco. and eks-scena, with the support of ADU - Zagreb and The Imaginary Academy- Groznjan. The work started in Groznjan and is relocated to Zagreb with the intention to continue in Dubrovnik in November 2002. The project does not seek to re-inscribe the locations with its presence or deal with the 'authenticity' of the city/experience, but to explore the public-private relation together with the special relation in the context of today's techno-globalising world where the idea of a fixed geographic location or even a fixed identity becomes old fashioned, reactionary in its new mobile culture.
1. Cinema Little Paradise
Choreography and performance: Alen Zanjko, Goran Manic, Nina Kurtela, Natalija Manojlovic, Iva Hladnik, Ana Markic, Petra Kurtela
Dramaturgy: Maja Sviben
2. Private in vitro
Choreography and performance: Zeljka Sancanin, Barbara Matijevic, Silvija Marchig
Dramaturgy: Andrija Turcin

3. No title (Spaces)
Choreography and performance: Iva Pavicic
Dramaturgy: Lana Saric, Ivana Ivkovic

4. We Haven't Reached the Title Yet
Participants: Sandra Banic, Selma Banich, Ana Krajtmajer, Tom Medak, Sanja Tropp, Ivana Karaconji

contact: cdu@zamir.net
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