Bozena Civic, Rohner and Bleichenbacher

23 - 25 September
variuos locations:

ZABA - plateau, Paromlinska st.
Poljana Z. Drazica 8
Zeleni trg - Vrbik
Cvjetno naselje 3
Vlaska st. 40
Fancevljev prilaz
Gruska-Lastovska (park)
Nodilova st. 8
Tkalciceva st. 59
Elementary School Grigor
Vitez, Kruge 46
Opatovina - Kaptol

PhotoPoint is a city installation composed of pictogram marked netted city points. The net avoids cultural / historical monuments included in the usual tourist offer provoking the new and focused city view. Visitors and accidental passers-by are a constituent element of the project - they photograph suggested points after which the pictures are published on the Internet. PhotoPoint city tour will occur simultaneously in Zagreb and Basel.

At the info-point (mama, Preradoviceva 18) you can get a city map with locations and suggested tours, as well as borrow a photo camera.
