Cecilia Mandrile
The Perfume of Absence
12 - 15 July
various locations in Old town:
Felbingerove stube
Tkalciceva 40
Zakmardijeve stube
Radiceva 5
Preradoviceva 17
12 July, 8 pm
Cvjetni trg
'This project, The Perfume of Absence, is based on a process of construction, documentation, destruction and reconstruction of fragments in different scenarios. During months of traveling, teaching and working with artists from different cultures, I was carrying with me pieces of what once was an installation in a gallery space. I portrayed these fragments in new landscapes that were surrounding me in the journey, as an attempt to document my experience in these scenes as a witness and as a performer.'

contact: mandrile@btinternet.com
web: -