Kristina Leko
Milk 2002/03
31 August, 11 am - 1 pm
Dolac market
The consequential result of the European integration process is giving up on certain local values. The Milk 2002/03 project will raise the question whether the process of adjusting economic standards can be modified in a way that certain older levels of local ethnic identity are functionally protected and maintained. Since one of the marginal consequences of the adjusting will be the disappearance of a traditional trade - the milkmaid, this project aims at researching, documentation, archive and media presentation of the social position of the milkmaid. Our aim is to start lobbying in order to force political management to reconsider the cultural value of the phenomenon and eventually place it under protection.
Research results and archive data presentation can be expected in autumn 2003. This year come to take some cream and cheese.

contact: kris_leko@yahoo.com
web: www.sirivrhnje.org |