O B E P Y U (S. Bozic, Z. Sancanin, A. Vucenovic)
23 - 25 Sep, 9 pm
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COPYRIGHT + MEMORY is a three-day video projection on a building facade accompanied by the three persons' performance in one of the apartments in Zagreb. Applying the same performing material to different performers and changing the performing ambient (scene - private apartment) this project will try to answer the following questions: how can a space change its functional and poetic values considering whether someone resides in it or not, what happens to a theatre performance when it is moved into an intimate ambient, how does the same performing material function within different personalities?
COPYRIGHT + MEMORY deals with archaeology of everyday and artistic experience, analyses the private - public, old - new, original - copy relation. It focuses on variability and fragility of artistic (architectural, spatial, performing) and everyday experience in the process of production, perception and reinterpretation of the same material.

contact: alejandra_obepyu@hotmail.com
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