Barbara Blasin and Igor Markovic
Zagreb Woman Guide
23 - 25 Sep, 4 - 8 pm
various locations:
Kaptol - yard of the
Elementary school Miroslav Krleza
Jurisiceva st. - Kurelceva st.
Opatovina 35
Ozaljska 16
Katarinin trg
Ljubljanica - tram station
Zagreb Woman Guide tries to snatch lives and influences of women, who participated in the development of the city or 'simply' its every day life, from the past and history conformism. Locations point to the diversity and omnipresence of woman activity in various periods of time. Suggestion to mark those locations is not just a demand for the erection of memorial symbols. The demand for signing the petition of visitors and passers-by creates the necessary connection between the past and real and immediate social environment. Cryptic visual / textual instructions for finding locations symbolically point to difficulties in the exploration of 'woman history'.

contact1: igor@mi2.hr
contact2: barbarabla@yahoo.com
web: - |