Ana Husman
9 - 13 September *** 11am - 9pm
Abandoned industrial areas impress by their size, former functions and content. What is especially interesting is the interaction of the remnants of a calculated and planned exploitation of workspace, and on the other hand, its intimization, read in the interventions of people who used to work there: little personal items left behind, posters, first aid cabinets with lace ornaments...
Abandoned, all these spaces are purposeless voids on the city map, but such lack of codification opens the possibility of implementing new content, such as small private enterprises, subcultural and/or independent scene activities, or grey economy.
The enchanting influence these locations have on the spectator makes all other intervention superfluous. In itself, the exhibition and the selection could be a sort of an archaeological collection.
Trying to lose the initial impression of an abandoned spot, the artists takes a piece of a wall, imperceptible at first, that still gives clear information about the place: the material, what color were the walls... The pieces are conserved in jars with the information - location, name, function, address, date, thus creating an archive. Through the creation of the archive the artist questions what have the locations retained from the urban memory, and what gives the possibility of such a memory reading: segments - a piece of a wall, a brick, or the mere knowledge that once something was really going on in there...
The A/V documentation is not unified, nor are the remains of the "marking" the same. Some locations were treated as an object, some recordings show only a detail, a single room or a part of a wall. The audio documents the present atmosphere or the recollections and stories of people that are somehow connected to those spaces.
Ana Husman graduated in 2002 at the Multimedia Department of the Academy of Fine Arts in Zagreb, where she also got her teaching license. She took part in numerous exhibitions and her video works received multiple awards.Her recent works, Merspajz and Prigruf, were published for EGOBOO.bits under the GNU General Public License.

contact: ana@mi2.hr
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