Lara Mamula
12 - 14 September *** 11am - 9pm
Industry Adagio for the Afternoon project is inspired by the social context of the notion of east in the context of the city of Rijeka, where this part of town recalls industry, skyscrapers built in the sixties for the workers and their families. This fact is a starting point in connecting eastern parts of two cities (Zagreb and Rijeka).
Industry Adagio for the Afternoon is an intimate story of an ordinary man who searches for his private, intimate space in the huge factory halls. Light invites the visitor to that intimate corner, which opens only a part of the hall. In that corner, the spectator will find a chair to sit down and listen to information (about the Viktor Lenac shipyard, stories of workers...) recorded in the journalistic form of a radio programme, filled with sounds recorded in family atmospheres of workers families and industry sounds (computer modified real industry sounds) of the factories that wrote the history of the city of Rijeka and their lives.
The Eastern part of Rijeka through history always belonged to Rijeka, Croatia, while the Western part changed dominators - Italians and other occupators. Because of these history lines and some other factors, the East is visually and architecturally a separate urban unity.
Lara Mamula, born in Rijeka in 1980 is a graduaton candidate in sculpture at the Visual Arts Department of the Faculty of Philosophy in Rijeka. Until now she has collaborated on several projects as a scenographer (in 2004, the scenography for the show , in 2003 scenography assistant for the "Karolina rijecka" musical, in 2002 at the MAPA Summer Academy School in Berlin she made the scenography for the show , and at the "Cesan" open air multimedia project Poreč in 2001 on the production of instruments for presented in St. Vincent and Goli Otok).

contact: milaculjak@net.hr
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