Performance in public spaces   


Authors: Damir Bartol Indoš and Tanja Vrvilo

Co-speaker: Vilim Matula
Actors: Vilim Matula, DB Indoš, Tanja Vrvilo, Nikolina Majdak, Adriana Josipović, Kate Marušić
Composers and pianos: Damir Prica Kafka, Miro Manojlović
Expert associate: Branko Matan
Photographs, invitations, newspapers: Ratko Mavar
Poster: Milan Manojlovic Mance
Thaumathropes: Miro Manojlović
Catalogue: Hrvoje Živčić and Dario Devi
Associate for songs: Heda Gospodnetić
Costumes: Đurđa Janes
Athletic Movement: Filip Rak

“On 8th of June, 1912, Croatia has entered Europe,” wrote a left wing writer August Cesarec, then nineteen years old, after the assassination, expecting his own arrest. We chose this irreversible situation from the time of the Austro-Hungarian monarchy, in which the young magazine Val members took part, for the open scene of our story. We will present their pupilary literary-revolutionary circle as a possible symbol of the first rebellion of the masses against the Empire.

From the archive via the theatre we are going public with the secrets of the City of Cynics. We will activate three public images in three specific locations, their views, walks, departures and arrivals. In thirds of natural time: from dawn till morning, from morning till noon and from noon until dusk, we will repeat with reverse movement the three social situations: from the prison space fo control to the public space of the city, from the University Square to the start of Jukić’s impossible escape, from the private space of the Botanical Garden to the utopian point of the Stenjevac republic.

The first picture:

Feed fire with fire18. 06. 2011, 11h
9 Račkoga Street, inner courtyard

Reading the prison letters of the writer August Cesarec from the first royal prison in Mitrovica penetentiary 1912 – 1913 in the backyard of his last imprisonment before execution in Zagreb Dotršćina July 17th, 1941. Following the thought of Louis Auguste Blanqui on the duality of people and events, from his latest prison text “Eternity through the stars,” we will associate some prisoners of fate in the sound card of our Cepheus.

02 from ivan slipcevic on Vimeo.

Old proverbs often mean something, if you invert their meaning. During the events of last year, which was ended by the unlucky enthusiast Francesco Ferrer, we could see the alternating knocking in of wedges.

Anarchism is an echo of reaction, the nihilism of absolutism: terror from above provocates terror from below, it is well known. And if there were explosions in Barcelona from 1901 of one bomb in one factory, second bomb at a procession, third bomb in a theatre, fourth bomb at a military parade, a few bombs in aristocratic streets and a few during various events, all in all, say, up to 20 bombs, that corresponds to, that is an echo of those 480 monasteries which exist in this province of 1.000.000 inhabitants. The anniversary of the so-called. the July Revolution of Barcelona fills me with a sad mood. Here, where they found two terrorisms and and one fire started to feed the other. (Janko Polić Kamov)

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Photo: Damir Žižić

Second picture:

In the city of cynics19. 06. 2011, 16h
University Square, the parking lot of Školska knjiga near the Law Faculty

Reading the city and drawing over the draft Jukić’s escape by walking from the University Square – Marovska – Gunudlićeva (bypassing the site of the new capitalization of Samostanska – the passageway of cinematographers Ćiril-Metodska – Marovska, Preradovićeva) – via Ilica – at the funicular – through Pongratz’s gradens – via the Strossmayer promenade – via Mesnička – to Lisinskijeva. Filling out the form for the new urbanism from 8 June to 13th August 1912 according to information from the newsroom of “The Movement”, Gundulićeva Street 26, administration telephone1178, editorial 774.

03 from ivan slipcevic on Vimeo.

We are not carried away by the German-Hungarian culture of the beautifully decorated and addorned Zrinjevac nor pleased by the pompous architecture and rich decorations of the theatre. We are not thrilled by the national art of Baron-apache or Trenk and his slogans. We do not rejoice under an outlaw and Sevillesque sword of Ban [Count] Jelacčić, and do not drink from joy after any of those numerous parliamentary masquerades. We are not pleased by our modernist and pro-European flirting and zig-zagging of our future Croatian wives from Ilica. Those elegant little trams do not make the blood coarse through our veins stronger… (Vladimir Čerina)

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Foto: Damir Žižić

The third picture:

Stenjevac Republic22. 06. 2011, 18h
Botanical garden

Reading logs Zora Ruklić, meeting of patriots, revolutionaries confirmed by the deserving Stenjevac Republic citizens: Physician Dr Luka Jukić MD, Franjo Neidhardt, Minister of Finance, Minister Josip Šarinić, Minister of Homeland Defence, Drago Bublić, consecrated Bishop, Augusto Augustus’ Holy Spirit, Kamilo Horvatin, police chief, Gjuro Cvijić political agent, Roman Horvath grand master, Milica, Dark, Anda, Jelica. From hand to hand goes our wave passes. To all of us who write on the editorial board warns that any sheets and manuscripts need to be addressed to: Vladimir Cerin, Zagreb, Brickyard no. 25, and when writing to the administration: Mesnička Street No. 1, the first floor. This way you will save him an hour.

06 from ivan slipcevic on Vimeo.

Yesterday was Sunday. Milica and I went to the Botanical Garden. It was a fresh and clear morning. There weren’t many people. All of them prefer to walk at that time on Tuškanac. Here on this bench sat Jaro and some unknown young man. Jaro got up and warmly welcomed us. The unknown man was getting up slowly, his every gesture I noticed and I looked into his face. Jaro said: “This is …” and I continue, “… Ulderiko Donadini.” “Do you know me?” – “Do not know but I recognize. ” We went for a walk together… (Zora Ruklić)

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House of Extreme Music Theatre

Damir Bartol Indoš (1957, HR) graduated in comparative literature and philosophy at the Faculty of Philosophy in Zagreb with a theatrological topic: Antonin Artaud – Theatre of Cruelty. Throughout his study, he takes part in the work of a neo-avantgarde student theatre group Sphere Theatre: Arrival of Spring, Soft Ships, the White Room, Circus Blue Star, Summer Afternoon until Action 16:00, in 1981, when the division of the soft and hard fractions occurred. As the initiator of the hard factions, called the Spheres Group, during 1980 he made a series of plays-performances: Affair Gigan, Undimmed vibrations, the Sixth allelomorf, Zeinimuro, The Danger of Deer, Rocking, Subotica and details of the resistance, Magellan, Laboren exercens. As DB Indoš-House of extreme musical theatre during the 1990s, created a series of projects and performances in the world with various foreign and domestic artists (Elliott Sharp, Charles Gayle, Helge Hinteregger, Zlatko Burić, Henning Fremann, Pere Oliver Yorgens, Nicole Hewitt, Vilim Matula, Ana Karić, Tanja Vrvilo, Emil Matešić, Irma Omerzo, Selma Banich …): War kitchen, Horsetail, Son, On Chess and Pain, Laika the first dog in space, A school bus or interviews with children, Swing … Since 2005, A coproduction with the Culture Change – Teatar ITD and creative collaboration with Tanja Vrvilo realizes the play with actors, performers, musicians, dancers and Chinese Roulette, Vilovanje, green, green, container man, a Book of the Dead (co-directed with Zlatko Burić), Anti Oedipus, Cepheus, KriegspielGame of the war. He has participated in various international film festivals in the country and the world (Eurokaz-Zagreb, Edinburgh Fringe Festival, Klang Arten Festival Linz, Franklin Furnace, NY, Dance Week Festival – Zagreb, Copenhagen – Cultural Capital of Europe in 1996, Roskilde Festival, Dartington – Exeter, Cardiff Summer festival, Tacheles – Berlin, Unikum – Vienna, Szene – Vienna, Euro-scene Leipzig, Unidram – Potsdam, Tanz Quartier – Wien, translation – Piotrkow, Wroclaw Festival, Music Biennale Zagreb -2011, Colchester Arts Centre, Rich Mix London, Jerwood dance house-Ipswich, Manchester-Lowry Studio, Lakeside Theatre Colchester …). In the former toolroom of the factory Jedinstvo [Unity] he launched a workshop and performance space called Parainstut Indoš. With the Bad Company group he reconstructs his performance Man chair and performed Memories are made of this, he is an associate of the Teatar ITD, workshop leader, “Pooh” – Culture of Change, “Articulation” with the students of the Academy of Fine Art-Zagreb, SPROUT project – SC Gallery. Member of the Croatian community of independent artists and ULUPUH, winner of the City of Zagreb medal for the promotion of alternative culture in 2009.

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Tanja Vrvilo (1966, HR) graduated acting from the Academy of Dramatic Art in Zagreb, at the postgraduate study of literature at the Faculty of Philosophy in Zagreb, a member Croatian independent artists association. Since the late 1980s she has starred in many theatre projects, and in recent years she has worked as a co-author and actress working with Damir Bartol – Indoš (Chinese Roulette, Vilovanje, Green, green, Freight man, Anti-Oedipus: Anarchism and schizophonia, Cepheus, KriegspielGame War), Zlatko Burić’s Book of the Dead, Shadow Casters (Exposition) Boris Bakal and Katarina Pejović. She participated in many national and international festivals and led numerous performance and film workshops. She translates and writes articles on film and theatre for the radio shows (HRT 3– [Croatian national radio]), magazines, publications and school textbooks for Media culture. She has curated numerous regular and festival programs with a focus on Japanese cinema (regular cycles of Contemporary Japanese Film at the MM Centre of SC, HFS – Cinema Tuškanac), with Petra Milat and multi-year program of Visual Studies at the Multimedia Institute MaMa, curator of the Motovun Film Festival (Japanese film programs horror, Interactive film, and the Russian film in Zagreb and Motovun), the first Mediterranean Film Festival (Politics of film images program), the program Film Modes of Choreography, Bodies Found (Centre for Dramatic Arts), Those Who Disappear, Movies for a non-fascist life (Mine yours ours – Rijeka), Naked film lecture at a symposium at the Modern Gallery in Ljubljana at the show Everything is film! Experimental film in Yugoslavia 1951 to 1991, curator of the Croatian antifilm … The film dropped out of the system! and the lecture on Politics of film curating at the Tokyo Yebis International Festival for Art and Alternative Visions 2011 in the Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Photography; She is the founder of the concept and art director of the International Curatorial Festival-Symposium Film Mutations: The festival of invisible film, of the innovative modes of cooperation between domestic and foreign cinematographers and authors for the analysis of persistence and mutations of cinematographic phenomena, whose fifth edition will take place from the 30th of November till the 4th of December 2011 at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Zagreb, in the Art Cinema Croatia in Rijeka and in the Slovenian Cinematheque in Ljubljana.

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in which, prompted by the success of student strikes, a group of progressive youth, high school students and young writers which called themselves Wavers, had been ideologically involved; as well as tragic victims, trial and imprisonment that followed. We propose this literary-revolutionary excess of pupils, which we named Cepheus after earlier pupils’ literary-revolutionary circle organized by the most influential Croatian avant-garde poet and writer Janko Polić Kamov as “an initial representation of contemporary rebellion of Multitude within the Empire, in which two heads of the imperial eagle are turned inward, each attacking the other”.