
Urban Vegetable Patch

Inspired by the desire to produce ourselves the food which we eat in urban surroundings, while at the same time aiming for the affirmation of the public space as a place of production and not exclusive consumption, we will plant a vegetable patch on the terrace of the Student Centre [SC] club as a means to investigate the possibilities of the wider application of these types of practices.

Urbani povrtnjak from FADE IN on Vimeo.

In addition to the ecologically acceptable production of food, the project of the Urban Vegetable patch is aimed at education. During the different phases of formation and care of the garden, all interested urban gardeners are invited to participate in workshops where they will be able to inform themselves about everything that is necessary for the construction of their own garden in the urban context – planting, composting, irrigation, produce collection… The space which we are building we want to open as a place of public participation which will not be conditioned by the market, private interest or the accumulation of profit, but will instead be a place for gatherings, the exchange of knowledge and skills, and (literally) of produce collection from collective effort and work.

The project is imagined as a long-term place for the meeting of people from different fields of interest and education, as a collaboration of organizations and individuals. In association with UrbanFestival 11, from April to October [BLOK], Ivan Gregov, Daniel Rodik, Naturalistas, The Culture of change of the Student Centre, Vladimir Tatomir and Dražena Pavlović-Lučić.


Foto: Hermes Arriaga

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