Vermicompost workshop in Urban Vegetable Patch   

Small scale vermicompost production and DIY worm bin

At the third workshop in a row, in the Urban Vegetable Patch, (SC [Student Centre] Club Terrace, 21/6/2011. 5.30pm) you will be able to familiarise yourself with the basics of vermicompost production and learn how to create a small and efficient worm bin. The first part of the workshop will provide the theoretical basis of vermicomposts, after which the workshop participants will have the opportunity to practically apply newly acquired knowledge. If you want to create your own worm bin, bring a plastic bowl / bin with a capacity of between 10-20 litres, preferably rectangular in shape. And do not forget the lid!
Additional materials for making worm bins (the tools, soil, earthworms) will be provided by the workshop leader.

The workshop is open to 20 participants. To sign up or for any additional questions contact or by phone on 091 256 56 56.

Urban Vegetable Patch invites you to make a small donation of 10 kunas for participation in the workshop as support for the social project Worms for change ( who the organizers of the workshop will donate the money to.

More about Urban Vegetable Patch on GardenCollective blog.

Workshop leader, Hermes A. N Arriaga Sierra, is an entrepreneur and networker, with a special affection for entrepreneurship and social change, and an extremely practical person. He is an agricultural engineer by profession and holds a post-graduate degree in environmental economics. As his mind has a strange tendency to divert from the ‘usual’ ways of problem solving, in the projects he is developing, he searches for innovative and creative ways involving young people and participatory design thinking.