In The City of Cynics - Second picture of Cepheus   

The Race Through Zagreb

Neue Freie Presse carries
Popular Paper describes
Information editorial of Movement
Witnesses report
Assassin in the pub Kovacic
Viceroy Cuvaj in the car
Everyone on its place
Let the race begin

Race through Zagreb
Afternoon half past twelwe
At the corner of Mesnicka and Lisinski’s
Next to the Pongratz’ Garden
On a slope of the Strossmayer’s
Jumped over the fence
Back to the cable car
Neue Freie Presse carries
Popular Paper describes

Tour de Zagreb
Tour de Zagreb, tour de Zagreb

Jukic runs down the Bregovita
Race through Zagreb, race through Zagreb,
Ilica, Margaretska Street
Race through Zagreb, race through Zagreb,
Garden of Cinematographe Cyrillo-Methodian,
Race through Zagreb, race through Zagreb

Into Samostanska Street, into Samostanska Street

Race through Zagreb, race through Zagreb,
Gunduliceva and Marovska
Race through Zagreb, race through Zagreb
To University Square
Race through Zagreb, race through Zagreb
By the Theatre Café
Race through Zagreb, race through Zagreb
Race through Zagreb, race through Zagreb

Into Samostanska Street, into Samostanska Street
Into Samostanska Street, into Samostanska Street

On the University Square, today known as the Square of Marshal Tito, in 1912 the impossible getaway of the young man Luka Jukić. After throwing a bomb on the car that was driving ban Cuvaj [Count Cuvaj], he started running from the intersection of Mesnička and Lisinskijeva across the Pongrac Gardens towards Ilica. The second picture of Cefas started in the place of Jukić’s arrest with the notes on the then Zagreb, the city of cynics, as it was dubbed by Vladimir Čerina.

We are not ecstatic for the German-Hungarian culture,
Beautifully ornamented Zrinjevac Square
The pompous architecture doesn’t bring joy
Nor the rich decorations of the theatre
Those elegant little trams
Don’t pump up the blood in our veins

Happy quarter
Noble and tragic quarter
Quarter for good children
Bizarre quarter of drifting

We whistle to all this shine and enchantment,
All this beauty of tidiness,
Cleanness and properness of streets, squares,
Gardens, houses and palaces,
We are slapping those propped top hats
And imprinted monocles

Useful quarter
Quarter of museums, schools
Planetary quarter
Astrolarium of drifting

We spit on those pulled up white gloves
And tooshiny American and English shoes
We are tearing that thin, rich, colourful silk
The fashionable, ironed suits
We stamp on those soft, comfortable, velvet

Foto: Damir Žižić

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