
weekend 1

Gob Squad: Room Service - Help Me Make It Through The Night

8 and 9 May, 8 pm, Laguna hotel, Kranjceviceva 29

weekend 2

Per Platou: Six Pack Radio
presentation: 14 May, 7 pm, net.culture club mama, Preradoviceva 18
NOD concert: 15 May, 12 am, Technical museum, Savska cesta 18

weekend 3

Justin McKeown: Drinking Blindfolded in Zagreb

21 - 23 May, various locations

Surveilance Camera Players Zagreb
performances: 21 May, from 2 pm, various locations
guided tour: 22 May, from 12 am, start at Trg hrvatskih velikana

weekend 4

Janos Sugar: Zagreb Time Patrol

28 - 30 May, 5 - 8 pm, Main train station


Andreja Kuluncic: Place under the sun

16 - 23 September, Jarun lake complex

ContrAtto: no1
24 and 25 September, 8 pm - 9 am, Somec interijeri , Britanski trg