Theater in public space   


Three times of day, three spaces, three sound images, one performance – CEPHEUS!

Follow the House of Extreme Musical Theater as fire is fed with fire on Saturday 18th of June 2011 at 11am at Račkoga 9 in the inner courtyard of the former prison; take a walk through the city of cynics on Sunday, 19th of June 2011 at 4pm starting at University Square (parking lot of Školska knjiga near the Law Faculty); find out what happened in the Arcadian Stenjevac Republic on Monday, the 20th of June 2011 at 6pm in the Botanical Garden.

Sound map Cepheus could initially represent a symbol of resistance of the rebel pupils to the Empire of the double-headed eagle, in Zagreb in 1912. We chose an irreversible situation, “a few people passing through a very short unit of time” to open the scene of our story – an unsuccessful assassination attempt on Ban Cuvaj [Count Cuvaj] in the time of the Austro-Hungarian monarchy, in which, inspired by the success of the pupil strikes, the young Valaš ideologically and practically took part -  a group of the then progressive youth, high school students and young writers, as well as tragic victims, trial and imprisonment that followed. We will present their pupilary literary-revolutionary undertaking, which we have named Cepheus after an earlier literary-revolutionary event of their idol Janko Polić Kamov, as a possible symbol of the first rebellion of the masses against the Empire, in which the heads of the Judges table and Cepheus are turned towards one another.