Vered Dror
5 - 15 May 2008
Rokov perivoj and church of St. Rok
- Have you seen the swastika?
- We haven't seen a thing.
Up Rokov Perevoj there is an old abandoned church that is graffitied with no less than 10 swastikas, 2 SS symbols, one name of the Nazi party and one Seig Heil. Throughout my stay in Zagreb I realized that the people there are afraid to look straight in the eyes of the Nazi monster.
Along Rokov Perevoj and around the garden, in Braille, I wrote the question:
- "Have you seen the swastika?" (Jeste li vidjeli kukasti kriz?).
The answer I wrote under every window and every swastika on the church:
- "We haven't seen a thing." (Nismo nista vidjeli).
Apart from Rokov Perevoj path and church, this question and answer were brailled near every swastika I saw in the city.
PHOTOS (click to magnify):