
ANA Elizabet (HR)

Are you breathing?

light installation
Vranicanijeva poljana
throughout the duration of the festival, 20.00 – 08.00 h

Are you breathing? sends and urban disseminated message using the medium of commercial as a prosthesis, mimicrally adopting the commercial device to transfer questions. It usurps attention, seduces, points to a shift in perspective, opening a new kind of a relationship. The new attention caused by that shift becomes a direct “investment” into the spectator. Are you breathing? works as a kind of reminder-helper, and its goal is to make aware/ shed light on the internal space of the city observer/wandered/user.

The piece was supposed to be constructed as a neon sign and temporarily exhibited on the eastern facade of the Hydrometeorological Institute. The form of the piece was changed, however, because it was not possible to find a solution acceptable to the Institute for the Preservation of Monuments. The entire communication with the Institute was documented and is available at the Lotrščak Tower and on the Festival website.

Bio In 1998 ANA Elizabet (1969.) graduated in sculpture at the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna, in professor Gironcoli’s master class. In her sculptural work she focuses primarily on sculpture made to be placed permanently in public spaces. She received multiple awards for her work (1st prize and realization at the Art in Public Space contest, Lower Austria – sculpture realized in Eisgarn, Lower Austria, 2002; the master class award, Akademie der Bildenden Künste, Vienna, 1998; the realization of a work in public space during the „Panta-Rei“ symposium, a work in Strausberg, Berlin, 1997). She exhibited in numerous group and solo exhibitions, such as Heaven 180° degrees in Križić-Roban Galery, Zagreb 2006; Home Enlightenment, ITD, Student Center, Zagreb,2005; Friends, exhibition with Brigitte Boll, MASC Foundation, Vienna, 2000, itd. She currently lives and works in Zagreb.