
Nives Sertić i Sonja Pregrad (HR)

Watching is not enough

participative performance
meeting point at Lotrščak Tower, Kamenita ulica, Opatička ulica, Matoševa ulica
Tuesday 5.10., 18.00 h

This work deals with the mechanisms through which the state system controls the public space, as well as the inability to establish any kind of communication with that system. By imposing their repressive power which literally, as well as metaphorically, manifests itself through surveillance cameras, the system occupied the public space without leaving any space for the ordinary, relaxed everyday life. Here, performance as an artistic form becomes a political act which helps articulate the problem. The repressive power of the system is to be made aware of on the level of the individual who gets a chance to respond with his own version of the act – through a series of publicly performed gestures in front of surveillance cameras.

Bio Nives Sertić (1984.) is a multimedia artist. She graduated in the new media at the Academy of Fine Arts in Zagreb in 2009. Since 2005 she has been exhibiting at group exhibitions, and collaborating with theater, performance, and visual artists. From September 2007 to February 2009 she was the head coordinator of the Academy As Laboratory interdisciplinary project at the Academy of Fine Arts in Zagreb. She is currently working on the O MM project at the Multimedia Center of the University of Zagreb Student Center, and along with artist Iva Cepanec leading Antibiotik, a visual program for young artists at AKC Medika. She currently lives and works in Zagreb.

Bio Sonja Pregrad (1980.) works in contemporary dance and choreography. She graduated in dance and choreography at the Rotterdam and Arnhem dance academies, School for new dance development in the Netherlands. She works in Croatia, Germany and Slovenia as the author of different projects (SOLO., Oh my body, if only you were here with me, etc) and collaborates with dance, theatre, and visual artists (Leja Jurišić, Johanna Chemnitz, Irma Omerzo i Sanja Iveković) on interdisciplinary projects. She is the co-organizer of IMPROSPEKCIJA – the initiative for the development and affirmation of improvisation as performance art. She lives and works in Zagreb.